Invest your hard earned money into an unproven business that you don't know if it would work.
Spend 3 weeks on making a logo.
Spend $4,000 on a website or make a shitty one yourself.
Ask friends and family what they think about your business idea, only for them to put you down and discourage you.
Spam Facebook groups with your website and hear *crickets*
Beg family and friends to buy from you and support you.
Hope and Pray.
Wait forever.
Say: "I tried" + BONUS: You've lost all the money you've invested.
Test your business idea and know if it's going to work before investing your hard earned money into it.
Create a logo in 2 minutes.
Use a ready to go proven landing page templates.
Conduct deep research & leverage artificial intelligence (AI).
Use artificial intelligence (AI) to create ads for you.
Show your product to different audiences finding which one is your ideal customer.
Read the data and make an educated decision.
In 30 days or less find out if there are people wanting to pay you for your service.
Invest confidently into your business idea or know that you've saved thousands of dollars by not going for it.